Help With Executive Compensation, Separation And Change Of Control
Global networking and competition for talent have made corporate careers more mobile than ever. On the other hand, strategic mergers, acquisitions and restructuring have made executive positions more fluid (and expendable). Both executives and employers are well-served, at the outset of the relationship, to make sure that executive compensation arrangements are competitive in the global marketplace, to understand what can go wrong, to anticipate the need for “change of control” clauses, and to draft contracts that are clear and unambiguous.
Even during the course of an employment relationship, many companies, in anticipation of a merger, seek to incentivize their key employees to stay through the transition period, and have created formal change of control plans. The employees need to understand their rights under those plans.
The Boston attorneys of the law firm of Block & Roos, LLP, counsel executives and directors, as well as owners and corporate boards, on executive compensation, change of control agreements, and separation/severance agreements. Employment law lawyer Jessica Block has been retained by individual professionals, businesses and corporate boards throughout Massachusetts for advice, front-end negotiation and drafting of executive employment agreements. When the employment relationship sours or terminates, she has acted as advocate and arbitrator in disputes over “for cause” termination, separation benefits, stock vesting, valuation of equity rights, exercise of change in control benefits, incentive compensation and buyouts.
Have a question about executive compensation, separation or change of control? Call 617-223-1900 or send us an email.